Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6th, 2016

This week has been solid! Elder Foster and I have been getting along so well and he is such a good friend. We have been doing a lot of work and seeing a lot of cool miracles.

We were tracking around Andover on Tuesday and it started to pour. We were fairly close to a member and my poundland (dollar store) umbrella was on its last leg so we decided to pop in and wait out the rain. The Covils are a couple in their late 70s early 80s and they are very kind. We shared with them some of our personal insights and then Ron shared a really cool analogy that stuck with me.

The church is like a gym. This gym has everything you could ever want in a gym. Because of the sacrifice Christ made for us we all can get a free membership to the gym we just have to go up to the desk and ask for one. Many people go to the gym because they have this vision of being in great shape and having a great body. This pushes them to go regularly and work our really hard while they are in the gym. Then there's the other who know they are out of shape and they know the gym will help so they get there. Others go to the gym because everyone they know goes and it's a fun time. There are many other people there for their own individual reasons too.

People who go to the gym, whether they work really hard or hardly work at all, will not see immediate results. But over time they get healthier and stronger. Most people don't notice the results of going though, they just generally feel good and are happy with the gym, but if you asked them they probably wouldn't be able to say how much stronger or healthier they actually are. 

There are people who stop going to the gym for many different reasons. They gradually lose results gained from going and the less they go, the harder it gets to go back. They get to a point where they recognize they are out of shape. It doesn't bother them too much though because they look around and see that most people are out of shape too. Their old gym friends encourage them to come back and enjoy the gym with them. They may go back but when they do they see their old friends lifting weights they can no longer lift and doing things they no longer want to do because it's hard and they think something along the lines of, "sure, exercise and being healthy makes them happy but it won't make me happy anymore. I have other things to make me happy now." They forget the joy of the gym and only see it as hard, meaningless work because, "what's the point of being in shape and healthy anyways?"

So this analogy could be expounded on way way more, but I kept it short. We can still relate so many different gospel principles to it. I didn't directly relate to any because I think it's more fun and it sticks to you more as you find relations to gospel principles yourself and aren't told them. It's exactly how Christ taught. He would give them a parable, but not the meaning. So as you read and think about this little gym parable, let the Spirit teach you what you need to know from it. What can you take away.

So remember that less active guy we were doing MMA with. Well we got a teaching appointment with him and he said he wants to come to church!

A really cool miracle we had yesterday was being able to teach Josh. He's a security guard at tesco who we see a lot when she go shopping there. We had a dinner appointment at 5 and we walked out of our flat at 4:30 and the first person we run into was him. We said hi talked for a bit then told him what we do as missionaries. He said he has 20 minutes right now so we sat down on the small wall right where we were and taught him he restoration. It was a short but powerful lesson.

Tomorrow we are going to Hyde park chapel in London to hear Dallin Oaks speak to our mission and the London central mission so there will be 400 or so missionaries there and I'm so excited. I'll take lots and lots of notes to let you know how it goes!

Love, Elder Johnson

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