Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October 19th, 2016

Some crazy things happened and for some reason they moved me. But the crazy part is they put me back with my old companion Elder Persecke!! So I'm going to be going to Crawley zone, Epsom ward which is about an hour or less away from the temple! I am so stoked to be serving there with him. I do love Elder Tokoragi but I'm exited now to be with a companion who I already know and works really hard and is obedient. The time we spend together is going to be amazing!! I am a bit nervous to be be serving as a Zone Leader but I've been around zone leaders my whole mission and I think I'll be able to figure it out. One thing I am really nervous for is to drive!! All the zone leaders and a few of the bigger areas in our mission drive so that means I'll have to get my English license which is kinda scary because it is the hardest driving test in the world and English roads are insane to drive on and they are really small and it'll be on the other side of the road and car haha but the fact that it took me two tries on my American test and I totaled a car within the first week of having a drivers license will have no effect on me whatsoever...

My last week in Plymouth was great. I got to see a lot of the ward members and me and Elder Wilfley cooked dinner for the whole ward. There was a ward activity/missionary fireside and the theme was kind of like a DA with the missionaries. The sisters printed out a bunch of paper slips with questions on them like "when was the last time you talked to someone about the gospel?" Or "what's a spiritual insight you have had in the Book of Mormon recently?" And placed them on the tables to facilitate missionary type conversation. Then me and Elder Wilfley made food for everyone. It was crazy and took us all night to do. I made chilli and bangers with mash and Elder Wilfley made this really good stir fry. We made enough to feed about 60 - 70 people. It was so fun to cook! And the activity went really well and we had a lot of good feedback on it. It was definitely a good last Sunday in Plymouth. Also had an exchange with Elder Burningham who is one of my favourites. We had some cool experiences as cool experiences always seem to happen on exchange. Elder Burningham has only been out 3 months and I was helping him practice being himself when finding because he felt like he was being robotic so we went knocking in an area that we were led to by a random series of events. I kept telling him that he needs to stop worrying about what he says and more how he says it because it's the Spirit that is the teacher. Well we knocked on a door and a random lady answered and the very first thing he said, very awkwardly, was "do you know the purpose of life" haha she stared at us very confused because it was also pretty dark and just said, "what?" I quickly jumped in and explained who we were and what we were doing and I then started to teach a little bit about the plan of salvation. When I finished Elder Burningham very powerfully testified and the Spirit was really strong. Then we taught her more asking lots of questions. By the time we were done she was excited and wanted to bring her and her boyfriend to church next Sunday. It was really cool and Elder Burningham and I were both able to see that it's not the words that we use but it's the Spirit that we bring that matters.

So excited for Epsom with Elder Persicke!

Love Elder Johnson!

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