Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1st, 2017

    This week has been so good! Elder Dey is pretty much fully healed and we are back running again. The Burgess Hill area is amazing and the ward members are so kind and eager to do missionary work. They also like to feed. We have had a DA every day since Thursday!! They are is similar to Salisbury in the sense that there are a lot of small villages and a lot of countryside. It's only 20 mins from Brighton and an hour from London on the train so it's a commuter town. All the people here are so nice.

    I have a burning desire to share the gospel. It literally feels like my insides are burning (the good kind of burning like when you're really excited to go do something you know it will be awesome). I've been pondering why these past few days and have come up with a few answers so hopefully I can summarize them into a completed thought. Our Saviour Jesus Christ allows us to be clean and to be healed as well as to progress and change. We access this power by repenting and serving Him. As we serve Him we literally heal our souls. A mission is 24/7 service to and for Christ so it would only make sense that we would be healed. As we allow Christ into our lives we allow service to heal our souls (this means that everything we do is for Him not personal gain). This change or healing or growth or whatever you want to call it has been happening in me which is the reason why I've felt so much love for strangers and an increase of love for those I know. That love or charity brings this burning desire to share the gospel with everyone and it makes me happy all the time. I'm so glad I'm learning this lesson now.

    Being on a mission is not a one time deal where you serve your prescribed time and then you're free (this is probably how I looked at a mission in the beginning). It is a school that sets you up for the rest of your life. A place to teach me how to be disciple of Jesus Christ for the rest of my life. I don't agree with the thought that a mission is the best two years of one's life. It has been the best two years (18 months so far) of my life up to this point but I hope to make the next two years better because I have acquired tools talents and abilities to help me move forward and progress. This is the pattern and plan that Heavenly Father follows. I'm sure we were all saying that the time we lived in heaven was the best part of our existence but God knows that it is always meant to better. I guess the lesson to learn from this ramble is no matter where you are in your life weather you're 10, 20, or 80 you should always be at your peak or at least working towards it. Don't look back and wish life could be like it was "back then" because it was so much easier to be close to God and spiritual. We can always be the closest to God right now. I love Him and hope always to grow close to Him.

    A cool insight I had this week about avoiding temptation to do evil. When any desire to do evil arises whether from Satan or the natural man think of one person in your life you love. Then give one reason why you love them. In order to fight evil and change we cannot dwell on the temptation or desire to do wrong but we must cast it out. Replace the good with bad. This works with any temptation. For example we may look at someone's actions and feel the temptation to judge them negatively. When we get those negative feelings towards someone don't just say to yourself, "oh I shouldn't think about that person negatively." We should just replace that thought with someone we love and why we love them. This works for any temptation to do wrong.

Oh BTW this is my new address
24 Knyveton Court
Grove Road
Burgess Hill W Sussex, RH15 8LD

Love you all!!